Special Events
General Notes
- All Pokémon here have the normal chance to be shiny. There are no shiny locks.
Gift Pokémon
Baby Pokémon Egg Gift
Title | Baby Pokémon Egg Gift | |||||
Pokémon | ![]() Pichu |
![]() Cleffa |
![]() Igglybuff |
![]() Togepi |
![]() Tyrogue |
![]() Smoochum |
![]() Elekid |
![]() Magby |
![]() Azurill |
![]() Wynaut |
![]() Budew |
![]() Chingling |
![]() Bonsly |
![]() Mime Jr. |
![]() Happiny |
![]() Munchlax |
![]() Riolu |
![]() Mantyke |
Location | Jubilife City Trainer School | |||||
Level | 1 |
- Talk to the Cowgirl in the Jubilife School to receive an Egg.
- The Egg will hatch into one of the following Pokémon at random: Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Azurill, Wynaut, Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr., Happiny, Munchlax, Riolu, Mantyke.
- You can save before collecting the Egg and soft reset if you don't like the result.
Title | Kanto-Starter | ||
Pokémon | ![]() Bulbasaur |
![]() Charmander |
![]() Squirtle |
Location | Jubilife City Pokémon Center | ||
Level | 5 |
- Talk to the Interviewer at the top left.
- Answer her questions correctly and win the battle.
- Bulbasaur will be the first Pokémon she gives you.
- Charmander will be the second Pokémon she gives you.
- Squirtle will be the third Pokémon she gives you.
- If your party gets full before all three are given, she'll stop and you can talk again to receive the rest.
Title | Lapras |
Pokémon | ![]() Lapras |
Location | Pastoria City |
Level | 35 |
- In one of the houses is an old lady. Agree to listen to her story.
- She'll give you a Lapras after she finishes.
Title | Eevee |
Pokémon | ![]() Eevee |
Location | Twinleaf Town |
Level | 5 |
- Complete the events as far as Lucas/Dawn telling you to speak to your mother.
- Speak to your mother and she'll suggest taking Eevee.
- Interact with the Poké Ball to get Eevee.
Title | Porygon |
Pokémon | ![]() Porygon |
Location | Eterna Galactic Building |
Level | 22 |
- Defeat Jupiter at the Eterna Galactic Building.
- Interact with the Poké Ball behind her to get Porygon.
Title | Fossil-Pokémon | |||||
Pokémon | ![]() Omanyte |
![]() Kabuto |
![]() Aerodactyl |
![]() Lileep |
![]() Anorith |
![]() Cranidos |
![]() Shieldon |
Location | Eterna City | |||||
Level | 20 |
- Go to the Underground Man's house, near the Pokémon Center in Eterna City.
- Talk to the female scientist to receive fossils for Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Lileep, Anorith, Cranidos and Shieldon.
- Each fossil exept Aerodactyl will be given 3 times.
- Take the fossils to the museum in Oreburgh City to revive them.
Title | Johto-Starter | ||
Pokémon | ![]() Chikorita |
![]() Cyndaquil |
![]() Totodile |
Location | Floaroma Town Pokémon Center | ||
Level | 15 |
- Talk to the Interviewer at the top left.
- Answer her questions correctly and win the battle.
- Chikorita will be the first Pokémon she gives you.
- Cyndaquil will be the second Pokémon she gives you.
- Totodile will be the third Pokémon she gives you.
- If your party gets full before all three are given, she'll stop and you can talk again to receive the rest.
Title | Hoenn-Starter | ||
Pokémon | ![]() Treecko |
![]() Torchic |
![]() Mudkip |
Location | Oreburgh City Pokémon Center | ||
Level | 10 |
- Talk to the Interviewer at the top left.
- Answer her questions correctly and win the battle.
- Treecko will be the first Pokémon she gives you.
- Torchic will be the second Pokémon she gives you.
- Mudkip will be the third Pokémon she gives you.
- If your party gets full before all three are given, she'll stop and you can talk again to receive the rest.
Title | Beldum |
Pokémon | ![]() Beldum |
Location | Oreburgh City |
Level | 10 |
- Go inside the house near Oreburgh Mine.
- Talk to Steven and he'll offer you a Beldum.
Title | Sinnoh-Starter | ||
Pokémon | ![]() Turtwig |
![]() Chimchar |
![]() Piplup |
Location | Sandgem Town | ||
Level | 5 |
- Interact with the briefcase at the top right of Rowan's lab.
- Rowan will say a few words and then allow you to take out the Poké Balls inside.
- Interact with the briefcase again to receive the two Sinnoh starters that you didn't choose.
- Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup will be given in that order, with the one you did select not appearing.
Special Encounters
Title | Gengar |
Pokémon | ![]() Gengar |
Location | Old Chateau |
Level | 20 |
- Talk to the painting with the glowing red ones in one of the rooms at the back of the Old Chateau.
- Attempt to leave the room and you'll encounter Gengar.
- This event can only be performed once.
Title | Spiritomb |
Pokémon | ![]() Spiritomb |
Location | Route 209 |
Level | 30 |
- Get the Odd Keystone from a man on Route 208, hidden in Twinleaf Town or from the Underground.
- Talk to the broken stone tower to encounter Spiritomb.
Title | Gabite |
Pokémon | ![]() Gabite |
Location | Wayward Cave |
Level | 25 |
- Go through the basement and up the stairs to the small room.
- Walk forward and you'll encounter Gabite.
- This event can only be performed once.
Title | Rotom |
Pokémon | ![]() Rotom |
Location | Old Chateau |
Level | 20 |
- Talk to the TV in one of the rooms at the back of the Old Chateau.
- The event is now repeatable and can be done at any time of day.
Legendary Encounters
Title | Articuno |
Pokémon | ![]() Articuno |
Location | Mt. Coronet (Summit) |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to the snowy parts of Mt. Coronet. Bring something with Rock Climb.
- Just above the spiralling paths entrance is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Articuno.
- You can keep battling Articuno until you catch it.
Location: Valley Windworks Level: 60
Title | Zapdos |
Pokémon | ![]() Zapdos |
Location | Valley Windworks |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Valley Windworks. Bring something with Surf.
- On an island behind the building is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Zapdos.
- You can keep battling Zapdos until you catch it.
Title | Moltres |
Pokémon | ![]() Moltres |
Location | Victory Road |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Victory Road. Bring something with Rock Climb.
- In a small room accessible from the last big area is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Moltres.
- You can keep battling Moltres until you catch it.
Title | Mewtwo |
Pokémon | ![]() Mewtwo |
Location | Oreburgh Gate |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear in the bottom floor of Oreburgh Gate.
- Once you gain access, talk to the nurse in the Battleground to receive the Odd Invitation.
- Go to Oreburgh Gate. Bring something with Surf.
- In the basement as far as in as you can go with Surf is a portal.
- Talk to the portal with the Odd Invitation in your inventory to encounter Mewtwo.
- You can keep battling Mewtwo until you catch it.
Title | Mew |
Pokémon | ![]() Mew |
Location | Route 201 |
Level | 40 |
- A Shroomish is in the top-left of Route 203 near some trees.
- Talk to it with an Oran Berry in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Shroomish part, you'll find a Buneary on Route 209 above a muddy slope.
- Talk to it with a Sitrus Berry in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Buneary part, you'll find a Torchic in Pastoria City on the alcove above the lake.
- Talk to it with an Old Gateau in your inventory. It'll take it, transform into Mew and disappear.
- After seeing the Torchic part, you'll find a Pachirisu on Route 201.
- Talk to it and it'll transform into Mew, but stay in place.
- Talk to Mew to encounter it.
- You can keep battling Mew until you catch it.
Title | Raikou |
Pokémon | ![]() Raikou |
Location | Route 208 |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 208. Bring something with Rock Climb.
- On the platform on the left of the route accessible by Rock Climb is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Raikou.
- You can keep battling Raikou until you catch it.
Title | Entei |
Pokémon | ![]() Entei |
Location | Route 211 (East) |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 211 (East). Bring something with Rock Climb.
- On the platform on the top of the route accessible by Rock Climb is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Entei.
- You can keep battling Entei until you catch it.
Title | Suicune |
Pokémon | ![]() Suicune |
Location | Route 213 |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Head to Route 213. Bring something with Rock Climb.
- At the bottom of the platform in the middle of the route accessible by Rock Climb is a portal.
- Talk to the portal to encounter Suicune.
- You can keep battling Suicune until you catch it.
Title | Lugia |
Pokémon | ![]() Lugia |
Location | Route 220 |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear on Route 220.
- Place Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres in your active party.
- Ask Professor Oak in Eterna City about 'Quests' to get the Silver Wing.
- Go to Route 220. Bring something with Surf.
- At the bottom of the route is a portal on a small island.
- Talk to the portal with the Silver Wing in your inventory to encounter Lugia.
- You can keep battling Lugia until you catch it.
Title | Ho-oh |
Pokémon | ![]() Ho-oh |
Location | Lost Tower |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear at the top of the Lost Tower.
- Do the Lugia quest as far as receiving the Silver Wing from Professor Oak.
- Place Raikou, Entei and Suicune in your active party.
- Ask Professor Oak in Eterna City about 'Quests' to get the Rainbow Wing.
- Go to the Lost Tower.
- On the top floor by a grave is a portal.
- Talk to the portal with the Rainbow Wing in your inventory to encounter Ho-oh.
- You can keep battling Ho-oh until you catch it.
Title | Celebi |
Pokémon | ![]() Celebi |
Location | Eterna Forest |
Level | 40 |
- Check the shrine in Celestic Town to get the GS Ball.
- After getting the GS Ball, return to Eterna Forest from the entrance on the Eterna City side.
- Walk forward and you should see a message saying the GS Ball is shaking, followed by several red portals appearing around Eterna Forest.
- Celebi will come out of the portal in sight, see you, then dive back in.
- Go to each of the portals and talk to them to do a small Trainer fight. There are eight in all.
- After all eight portals have been cleared, another red portal will appear close to the center of the forest.
- Talk to this red portal to encounter Celebi.
- You can keep battling Celebi until you catch it.
Title | Regirock |
Pokémon | ![]() Regirock |
Location | Route 228 |
Level | 60 |
- Complete the Distortion World events.
- Enter Route 228 with a Relicanth and Wailord in your party.
- Enter the cave entrance near the top of the route below the muddy slopes.
- Walk over each glowing tile and talk to the statue to encounter Regirock.
- You can exit and enter the room to encounter Regirock again until you catch it.
Title | Regice |
Pokémon | ![]() Regice |
Location | Mt. Coronet (Route 216 Entrance) |
Level | 60 |
- Complete the Distortion World events.
- Enter the Mt. Coronet room leading to Route 216 with a Relicanth and Wailord in your party.
- Enter the cave entrance at the top right of this room.
- Walk over each glowing tile and talk to the statue to encounter Regice.
- You can exit and enter the room to encounter Regice again until you catch it.
Title | Registeel |
Pokémon | ![]() Registeel |
Location | Iron Island (B3F) |
Level | 60 |
- Complete the Distortion World events.
- Enter the Iron Island room leading to the exit above the ledge with a Relicanth and Wailord in your party.
- Enter the cave entrance at the top right of this room.
- Walk over each glowing tile and talk to the statue to encounter Registeel.
- You can exit and enter the room to encounter Registeel again until you catch it.
Title | Latias |
Pokémon | ![]() Latias |
Location | Fullmoon Island |
Level | 68 |
- Speak to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with the Magma Stone in your inventory to receive the Soul Dew.
- Catch Cresselia on Fullmoon Island to get a rock to appear in the clearing.
- Talk to the clearing from its bottom with the Soul Dew in your inventory to get a choice.
- Choose "Red" to encounter Latias.
- You can pick "Red" to battle Latias repeatedly until you catch it.
Title | Latios |
Pokémon | ![]() Latios |
Location | Fullmoon Island |
Level | 68 |
- Speak to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with the Magma Stone in your inventory to receive the Soul Dew.
- Catch Cresselia on Fullmoon Island to get a rock to appear in the clearing.
- Talk to the clearing from its bottom with the Soul Dew in your inventory to get a choice.
- Choose "Blue" to encounter Latios.
- You can pick "Blue" to battle Latios repeatedly until you catch it.
Title | Kyogre |
Pokémon | ![]() Kyogre |
Location | Mt. Coronet (B1F) |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear in the basement of Mt. Coronet.
- Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your inventory to receive the Blue Orb.
- Go to the basement of Mt. Coronet. Bring something with Surf.
- In the island in the center of the water is a portal.
- Talk to the portal with the Blue Orb in your inventory to encounter Kyogre.
- You can keep battling Kyogre until you catch it.
Title | Groudon |
Pokémon | ![]() Groudon |
Location | Stark Mountain (Interior) |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear in the first room of Stark Mountain's interior.
- Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your inventory to receive the Red Orb.
- Go to the first room of Stark Mountain.
- To the left of the steps leading to the next room is a portal.
- Talk to the portal with the Red Orb in your inventory to encounter Groudon.
- You can keep battling Groudon until you catch it.
Title | Rayquaza |
Pokémon | ![]() Rayquaza |
Location | Pokémon League |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, a portal will appear at the Pokémon League below the waterfall.
- Steven must have received the Magma Stone and been shown Latias and Latios.
- Talk to Steven in Oreburgh City via the Quests option with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your inventory to receive the Jade Orb.
- Go to the Pokémon League part above Victory Road.
- Below the waterfall on a small bit of land jutting out is a portal.
- Talk to the portal with the Jade Orb in your inventory to encounter Rayquaza.
- You can keep battling Rayquaza until you catch it.
Title | Jirachi |
Pokémon | ![]() Jirachi |
Location | Solaceon Ruins |
Level | 40 |
- Talk to the girl in the Pokemon Center in Eterna City with a Dazzling Gleam TM in your inventory.
- Talk to the old woman in a house in Solaceon Town below the ledges with a Ponyta, Rapidash, Moltres, Quilava or Infernape in your party.
- Talk to the little boy outside the bottom house in Pastoria with a Gyarados, Carvanha or Sharpedo in your party.
- Talk to the sign on the bottom floor of Solaceon Ruins.
- Talk to Jirachi with a Jigglypuff in your party and select 'Yes' to singing to it to encounter Jirachi.
- You can keep battling Jirachi until you catch it.
Title | Deoxys |
Pokémon | ![]() Deoxys |
Location | Veilstone City |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, talk to any of the meteories in Veilstone City.
- You should receive a message about something getting angry.
- Enter the bottommost meteor pit that has two meteorites in it, past the steps.
- Go up the steps and exit the pit. A portal will appear behind you and Deoxys will rush out and battle you.
- You can exit from the meteor pit to encounter [Deoxy]s repeatedly until you catch it.
Title | Uxie |
Pokémon | ![]() Uxie |
Location | Acuity Cavern |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Acuity. Bring something with Surf and Rock Climb.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Uxie to encounter it.
- You can keep battling Uxie until you catch it.
Title | Mesprit |
Pokémon | ![]() Mesprit |
Location | Verity Cavern |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Verity. Bring something with Surf.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Mesprit to encounter it.
- You can keep battling Mesprit until you catch it.
Title | Azelf |
Pokémon | ![]() Azelf |
Location | Valor Cavern |
Level | 60 |
- Speak to Rowan after the Distortion World events.
- Go to Lake Valor. Bring something with Surf.
- Go to the island in the center and enter the cave.
- Talk to Azelf to encounter it.
- You can keep battling Azelf until you catch it.
Title | Dialga |
Pokémon | ![]() Dialga |
Location | Spear Pillar |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, talk to the Celestic elder in the big house in Celestic Town.
- Go to Mt. Coronet. Surf, Waterfall and Rock Climb are required.
- Collect the Adamant Orb in the cave above the waterfall in the room accessible from the summit.
- Go to Spear Pillar with the Adamant Orb in your inventory and talk to the blue portal to encounter Dialga.
- If you defeat or run from Dialga, you will need to defeat the Elite Four to get it to appear again.
Title | Palkia |
Pokémon | ![]() Palkia |
Location | Spear Pillar |
Level | 70 |
- After the credits, talk to the Celestic elder in the big house in Celestic Town.
- Go to Mt. Coronet. Surf, Waterfall and Rock Climb are required.
- Collect the Lustrous Orb in the cave above the waterfall in the room accessible from the summit.
- You must have encountered Dialga and caught, ran or defeated it before you can encounter Palkia.
- Go to Spear Pillar with the Lustrous Orb in your inventory and talk to the pink portal to encounter Palkia.
- If you defeat or run from Palkia, you will need to defeat the Elite Four to get it to appear again.
Title | Heatran |
Pokémon | ![]() Heatran |
Location | Stark Mountain (Furthest Room - Interior) |
Level | 68 |
- After completing the Stark Mountain events, go to the Survival Area.
- Enter the Battleground and Buck's grandfather will talk to you.
- Return to the room furthest in Stark Mountain and Heatran will appear.
- Talk to Heatran to battle it.
- If you defeat or run from Heatran, you will need to defeat the Elite Four to get it to appear again.
- After you catch Heatran, you will receive the Magma Stone.
Title | Regigigas |
Pokémon | ![]() Regigigas |
Location | Snowpoint Temple (B6F) |
Level | 70 |
- Complete the events in the story with Regigigas in the Snowpoint Temple.
- Become the Champion (ie see the credits).
- Go to the basement of the Snowpoint Temple with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your party.
- Talk to Regigigas with Regirock, Regice and Registeel in your party to encounter it.
- If you defeat or run from Regigigas, you will need to defeat the Elite Four to get it to appear again.
Title | Giratina |
Pokémon | ![]() Giratina |
Location | Distortion World / Turnback Cave |
Level | 70 |
- Giratina is encountered in the Distortion World as part of the story.
- If you defeat or run from Giratina in the Distortion World, you can find it in the final room of Turnback Cave after the credits at Level 70.
- If you defeat or run from Giratina in Turnback Cave, you will need to defeat the Elite Four to get it to appear again.
Title | Cresselia |
Pokémon | ![]() Cresselia |
Location | Fullmoon Island |
Level | 68 |
- After the credits, go to Canalave and into the house next to the port.
- Talk to the young boy in the bed.
- Talk to the sailor outside to go to Fullmoon Island.
- Talk to Cresselia in the grove further in the island to encounter it.
Title | Phione |
Pokémon | ![]() Phione |
Location | N/A |
Level | N/A |
- Place Manaphy in the Daycare in Solaceon Town with a Ditto as a partner.
- Once an Egg is found, take it and hatch it to get Phione.
Title | Manaphy |
Pokémon | ![]() Manaphy |
Location | Pokémon Mansion |
Level | 1 |
- After the story events at the Pokémon Mansion, you will be offered an Egg.
- Accept the Egg, then hatch it to get Manaphy.
Title | Darkrai |
Pokémon | ![]() Darkrai |
Location | Newmoon Island |
Level | 68 |
- Obtain the Lunar Wing by capturing Cresselia on Fullmoon Island.
- Talk to the young boy in the house next to the port to heal him.
- Talk to the woman in the dark house on Route 217 to get the Member Card.
- Enter the top house in Canalave City to get warped to Newmoon Island.
- Talk to Darkrai in the grove further in the island to encounter it.
- You can fight Darkrai repeatedly by re-entering the house until you catch it.
Title | Shaymin |
Pokémon | ![]() Shaymin |
Location | Flower Paradise |
Level | 30 |
- Defeat Dawn or Lucas at Route 224 as part of the storyline.
- Talk to Professor Oak in Eterna City to receive Oak's Letter.
- Head to Route 224 and go towards the top of the route. Marley will speak to you.
- Speak to Professor Oak, and enter in whatever you want on the stone tablet.
- The map will change and Shaymin will appear, then flee.
- Head up the Seabreak Path towards the Flower Paradise.
- Talk to Shaymin in the center of the Flower Paradise to encounter it.
- You can fight Shaymin repeatedly by exiting and entering Flower Paradise until you catch it.
Title | Arceus |
Pokémon | ![]() Arceus |
Location | Hall of Origin |
Level | 80 |
- After the credits, talk to the old woman in the 'Foreign Building' in Hearthome City to make the Type Master trainers appear.
- You need to collect all sixteen Plate items (the Pixie Plate has not been added).
- You can get the Plates via the Underground or by defeating the Type Master trainers. The Plates previously in the field have been removed.
- Type Master trainers must be challenged with only a single Pokémon on your team that shares the type they specialise in.
- Flame Plate: The Fire-type Master is found on Route 226, just right of the Survival Area.
- Splash Plate: The Water-type Master is found on Route 219, just below Sandgem Town.
- Zap Plate: The Electric-type Master is found in Sunyshore City, inside the lighthouse.
- Meadow Plate: The Grass-type Master is found in Floaroma Meadow, just right of the house.
- Icicle Plate: The Ice-type Master is found in Snowpoint City, to the right of the Gym.
- Fist Plate: The Fighting-type Master is found in Veilstone City, in the house just south of the Gym.
- Toxic Plate: The Poison-type Master is found in Pastoria City, on the top floor of the Great Marsh lobby.
- Earth Plate: The Ground-type Master is found in Oreburgh Gate, on the top floor north of the entrances.
- Sky Plate: The Flying-type Master is found at the Pokémon League, looking out on the right outside the building.
- Mind Plate: The Psychic-type Master is found in Solaceon Ruins, just inside the entrance.
- Insect Plate: The Bug-type Master is found on Route 202, just above the Sandgem Town entrance.
- Stone Plate: The Rock-type Master is found on Route 207, just to the right of the muddy slope.
- Spooky Plate: The Ghost-type Master is found in the Lost Tower, on the ground floor.
- Draco Plate: The Dragon-type Master is found in Celestic Town, inside the ruins.
- Dread Plate: The Dark-type Master is found in the Sendoff Spring, just after the entrance from Route 214.
- Iron Plate: The Steel-type Master is found on Iron Island, just south of the entrance to the cave.
- With all sixteen Plates in your inventory, talk to the old woman in the 'Foreign Building' to get your second task: Complete the Pokédex.
- Once your National Pokédex is completed to an extent that you're able to view the diploma in Valor Lakefront (i.e. you have obtained all Pokémon except for Mew, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus), talk to the old woman again to receive the Azure Flute.
- Go to Spear Pillar and stand on the flute symbol just as you leave the cave. You'll be prompted to play the Azure Flute.
- Head up the stairs to battle Arceus.
- You can fight Arceus repeatedly by playing the Azure Flute on the symbol until you catch it.